Friday, April 27, 2007

Horeee... sekarang Jumat...

Sekarang Jumat tanggal 27 April..... artinya.... besok Sabtu dan lusa Minggu.... Bapak/Mama libur alias ada di rumah. Betapa senang hatiku, bisa seharian Tek..Tek.. Good bye mbak Rohimah and mbak Siti. For that days, I will with my Bapak and Mama. I hope they do not have any business, so I can huge my Mama every time that I want and the most important things is Tek..Tek..
How about my Bapak? hehehehe.... He cooks for me of course; he always has a special delicious recipe for me... but maybe it cans happend only in my dream if he does his weekly activity outside my house from morning at 8.00 AM until evening. I will miss his words when I was cry, "kenapa boru Bapak itu".
Gambar: Aku (6 bln) dengan Bapak/Mama, waktu tardidi (baptis).

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